Policies and privacy

Cancellation and refund


Tax included

16% IVA included in the price.

Advance payment

You will pay in advance 50% of the total price after completing the reservation process to guarantee the tour. This reservation considers that all data is valid and authorized and authorized, Tours in Calakmul will validate the accuracy of the data entered within 24 hours.


Cancellations made 15 days or more before the arrival date, a charge of 10%.
Cancellations made 3 to 14 days before arrival date apply 50%.
Cancellations made 0 to 2 days before the arrival date apply a 100% charge.

Reimbursement policies

The total or partial reimbursement is returned by the means most convenient for Tours in Calakmul, the discounted transaction costs incurred by the maneuver.

Information security

The connection and information stored on this site is encrypted and authenticated by a strong protocol (TLS 1.2), a strong exchange of keys (ECDHE_RSA with P-256) and strong encryption (AES_256_GCM).